We enjoyed seeing everyone this week during our Panther camps! If you were unable to attend the presentation is attached for you to review with your Panther. Please reach out if you have questions or need any help.
Enjoy the last couple of days of summer!
Bags packed? Chromebooks charged for 7th and 8th graders?
1st day of School!
Have you labeled lunchboxes, bookbags, cups etc?
Happy Friday!
1st day procedures:
Students will enter the building on the first day and report to a specific location to pickup their schedules.
ALL students will need to pick up a new schedule on Wednesday and will remain here until 8:40 am.
Volleyball and Football players will have an opportunity to pick up their schedule
6th Gym 1
7th Gym 2
8th Cafeteria
Schedules can now be viewed in HAC.
We will still be working on schedule changes and balancing some classes through Tuesday, August 13th.
All students will pick up a colored copy of their schedule on the first day of school.
PE uniform order form:
You can send money with your student to school to pick up clothes the first couple of weeks of school or you can order online.
If you are having trouble please call 1-855-832-5226.
The first few days we double check after lunches that every student ate. Please talk with your panther about not being afraid to go through the line, to let someone know if they are unsure what to day.
The first few weeks the lines can very long and can cut into the lunch period.
We do a clean up procedure but please remind students that if they just got their food to remain eating. We also remind them over the speakers.
Lunch visitors:
We will not be ready for lunch visitors until September 3rd.
This allows us to ensure everyone is comfortable with the procedures.
6th graders and new students to Pike will be receiving Chromebooks the first 3 days of school.
If you are interested check out the insurance policy in your school cash account.